Council Committees
The Beautification committee has maintained the green spaces at Frankfort Ave and the railroad tracks for over 30 years and the Payne St. traffic calmer in the 1800 block of Payne St. for the last 20 years. The members plant, weed, trim, mulch, and water the flower beds, shrubs and other plantings at the sites.
Land Use and Preservation
The Land Use and Preservation committee promotes and defends sound land use, historic preservation, and environmental principles in the neighborhood. Public meetings are scheduled for residents to learn about proposed zoning changes. Contacts the Planning Commission staff to obtain information on zoning laws, regulations and the LDC. Writes official letters and speaks on behalf of the council and residents on zoning issues at Metro public hearings. Coordinates with the council and consultant the drafting of the 10 year neighborhood plan. Coordinates the maintenance of historic photo exhibits, historic street car exhibit, and historic brick streets and other elements. Develops materials to promote the history, oral history, or preservation of the neighborhood.
Zoom meetings are at 6 pm. the 1st Tuesday of the month.
The Membership committee collects and records the annual membership dues, actively solicits residents to become members of the council, welcomes new residents to the neighborhood, and certifies a list of eligible voters for the Annual Meeting and Board Elections.
The Newsletter committee publishes the Clifton Quarterly, the neighborhood newsletter, four times per year. Establishes the deadline dates for each issue. Solicits and obtains paid advertisements from neighborhood businesses and other sources to cover publication costs. Writes or solicits articles for the newsletter. Edits text and completes layout and design of newsletter integrating advertising and articles. Recruits residents to volunteer to distribute newsletters to residents and businesses on an established route.
Pedestrian and Bike Access
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Access committee advocates for change to ensure safe passage for all pedestrians in Clifton, Clifton Heights, Crescent Hill, Irish Hill, and Butchertown neighborhoods. Important issues include new sidewalks, pedestrian crosswalks, audible pedestrian signals, blocking sidewalks, and road diet projects.
Zoom meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of odd numbered months at 7 pm.
Special Events
The Special Events committee plans fundraisers, festivals, and holiday events.